Ask and You Shall Receive

Are you ever afraid to ask God for what you really want?  I am.  I think somewhere deep inside I figure that if I don’t ask…then I won’t be disappointed.  The big fat lie at the root of that statement should signal to me a need for some counseling…but, that’s another topic for another day! 🙂

About a month ago, I was spending some time with the Lord and felt led to write down some dreams/requests that I needed to trust God for.  I wrote down 9 things.  They ranged from requests about work-related things, prayers for friends, to those of a more personal nature.  Today on the way home, I remembered that list and realized that God has already been answering them…in big ways!!  I sat there and cried most of my drive home.  I’m overwhelmed at God’s goodness! 

I think part of why He wants us to come to him with those requests is so that we are more aware of how He is working around us.  He may have worked in these ways whether or not I asked him…but, I know I would not be as aware of how He was doing that.  Grateful!